Our Staff
Rev. Henry Albrechtsen, III Pastor
Office: 845-986-3040
Cellphone: 518-488-4991

Sharon Bevacqua
Administrative Assistant
Office: 845-986-3040
email: gslc@warwick.net
President: Tony Pascullo
Vice President: Nicole Wiggins
Secretary: Lynne Antinucci
Treasurer: Patti Hallman
Financial Sec.: Linda Ridella
+ Christian Education and Youth
Chairperson: Barbara Svagaras
This board is responsible for providing active espression of Christain love and concern as an intregral part of the Christian Education program. It strives integrate young people into the mainstream of the Church’s mission and ministry and to develop and supervise specific and appropriate group experiences, such as Scouting, Junior and Senior High events, Groups, etc.
+ Elders
Chairperson and Deacon: Tony Hallman
This board has direct responsibility for the welfare of Good Shepherd’s pastoral staff and all things pertaining to our corporate, spiritual, and worship life. They supervise our worship experiences and support our worship leadership, ushers, greeters, and altar guild.
+ Evangelism
Chairperson: Position Available
This board has as its focus the spiritual welfare of those who are not yet part of the Body of Christ. They seek to share the Gospel of Christ, providing witnessing education and visitation opportunities and fostering a climate of welcome, faith sharing, and prayer.
+ Building and Grounds
Chairperson: Lance Martucci
This board is responsible for the maintenance and repair of our church property and equipment. They take inventory and manage the church’s facility and physical resources for its ministry and also supervises our Custodial Staff.
+ Fellowship
Chairperson: Barbara Katz
This board seeks to strengthen the sense of community among us by providing and enlisting our membership into opportunities for the congregation to develop in-depth personal relationships.
+ Social Ministry
Chairperson: Roberta Beany
This board coordinates Good Shepherd’s service toward the physical, tangible, and social well-being of people, within and outside our fellowship, locally, nationally and worldwide. They seek to address the needs of the “whole person”, acting as a bridge between individuals and families, the community of faith and local resources and/or appropriate agencies.
+ Stewardship
Chairperson: Don Trone
This board surveys the needs of our congregation and its opportunities for service, to discover the God given and enriched resources (monetary, professions, talents, and personal gifts) of our membership, and to recruit them into service toward our personal growth and the edification of the Body of Christ.
+ Worship Committee
Chairperson: Patti Hallman
This board plans all liturgical music for the church calendar year working with the pastor. Depending on need, special choir events for holidays are also organized.